
Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Can You Guess What I Did Over The Summer Holidays?

L.I. - Writing to recount
Writing using language features to engage readers

Complete these sentences about an event over the summer holiday.
Don’t tell us what the event was just give us enough information that we can know for ourselves.

I wondered if the bouncy castle is on today, although I do not want to get caught doing mischievous things on it.

I saw one lifeguards looking at me like a spying camera.

I heard multitudes of splashes around the center.

I heard girls screeching like a bunch of falcons and boys bombing like whales.

I felt the coldness of the water splash to my back.

I felt the water slithering around my body.

I wondered if the girl’s screeching would ever end.

During the holidays I did some pretty fun things. My favorite thing about the summer holidays was going to a camp site. I went to Rotorua and went to a camp site name Tui Ridge. The problem was that there were no internet so we did a lot of walking around the place. As part of our writing task we had to write a recount with seven sentences (for each senses) about one thing we did in the holidays. Can you guess what I did over the summer holiday. The recount describes shows you what I did but I didn't tell. For this task we had to use literacy devices like onomatopoeia, metaphor, similes etc. I have used some literacy devices like compound and complex sentences. I also had to illustrate what I did in the holidays. Above shows you my illustrated drawing. Remember to Guess what I did over the summer holiday. Good Luck.

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