
Thursday 7 April 2016

Elephant Tooth Paste Recount

Elephant Tooth Paste Recount

Screenshot 2016-04-07 at 3.25.50 PM.pngDisplaying DSC09696.JPG
Fizzy Bottle
Measuring Cylinder

Yesterday on Wednesday LS1 and Room 5 went to a experience called Elephant toothpaste. Two of Mrs Kirkpatrick friends from EdgeWater came and showed us the experience on how to make Elephant toothpaste. Before going to the experience we were all excited. Before they did the experience she picked 2 volunteer Viva and Troy to help her during the experience. What they did was they got a measuring cylinder and one lady pour 100ml of Hydrodyne peroxide, Viva added a large squirt of detergent and Troy added one teaspoon of potassium iodide crystal. Once they had put all the materials into the measuring cylinder the colour changed from white to orangish. As the the colour changed it exploded and you can see all the foam come out. As we saw the foam come out it covering the whole cylinder. Everybody were surprised and they looked amazed. It looked like coffin candy coming out. Soon they tried using another bottle which was a fizzy bottle. Before they did it she picked another two more volunteers which were Vance and Alice. So again the same lady pour 100 ml to the measuring cylinder and then she poured the 100 ml of Hydrodyne that was in the cylinder to the fizzy bottle then Vance added a large squirt of detergent to the fizzy bottle and then Alice added one teaspoon of potassium iodide crystal. After putting all the materials in the fizzy bottle it was the same as the Measuring Cylinder bottle it changed colour white to orangish but it exploded faster and it kept on going for long than the cylinder bottle. I was shocked to see all the foam come out. This one looked like massive clouds. Again the foam Covered the fizzy bottle but it made a bigger one then the measuring Cylinder Bottle. After that we went back to class and we  discuss and talk about the Elephant Toothpaste Experience. I think I had a nice and enjoyable time during the experience.

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