
Saturday, 23 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey - Week 2 - Day 1 - Activity 2

For the Summer Learning activity I leanrt that women in Saudi Arabia weren't allowed to vote until 2015. I think that it is unfair for women because womens opinion matters and they a very affective to others. Hopefully in the future everyone has equall rights. For example womens should get paid the same amount as men. Image result for equal rights


  1. Hi Ofa,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team! It's great to be reading another one of your activities. Well done!

    I like your thinking here and I also like the picture you've found! Equal rights are an important thing to fight for I think. It's great that you hope everyone can have equal rights one day. We need more people to think like that!

    How does it make you feel that New Zealand was the first country to let women vote? It makes me feel quite proud to be a New Zealander.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

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  3. Hello Ofa
    Well done with this summer learning journey activity. I totally agree with you, women should have the same rights as men. Keep up the amazing work Ofa!
