
Tuesday 25 September 2018

Current Events|National & International Events

Since Mrs Anderson (teacher) is gone to Dubai Ms McClain is our reliever for this week, but Mrs Anderson has set a current event task for us. For this task we were to go on either, Kiwi kids news, RNZ news, NZ herald and pick a national event (something that happened in NZ) and an international event (something that happened around the world). For this task I have read an article called 'Students walk out of school over principal's truancy comments' which was for my national current event and another article named 'Fire at Brazil National Museum which was my international current event. I found the national event a bit appealing because people had their own opinion over the argument. This event talks about how the principal of Hamilton High School said to the students of Hamilton High that truants are more likely to wind up being a rape victim. This comment was very bad that the school protested outside of their school. Even adults joined to support the students.

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