
Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Classroom Age - Fractions


 This week one of our set tasks challenged our fraction knowledge. The question was 'in the classroom, ⅔ of the children are ten years old. ½ of the remaining third are nine years old. Four children are 11 years old. How many children are there in the classroom altogether?' For this particular question Jeremiah and I had to firstly figure out the amount of students in the whole class. The answer to that part of the question is 24. If their were four eleven year old's and that is 1/2 of 1/3, that means that their are also four nine year old's. Lastly we subtracted eight from 24 then the rest of the children are ten years old. At the end we figured out that their were, four eleven year old children, four nine year old children, and 16 ten year old children


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My friend didn't understand 1/3 + 2/6 = 2/3 but I told him why.
